06 Jan 6 Questions about Facial Laser Liposuction
Are you wanting to reduce unwanted, stubborn facial fat and the appearance of a double chin?
What is Facial Laser Liposuction?
Laser Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure for lower eyelid bags, chins and jowls. It works by denaturing fat, which the body then absorbs through natural means.
The procedure is an alternative to traditional liposuction surgery. It’s minimally invasive and works by denaturing fat which the body will later absorb naturally.
This is particularly effective in removing the appearance of double chins. Although not surgical, this procedure is considered similar to chin reduction surgery.
Results are best seen when combined with other skin tightening techniques such as Thermage, eTwo Sublime or Pellevè.

Why Facial Laser Liposuction instead of Traditional Liposuction?
Traditional Liposuction is far more invasive than the Facial Laser Liposuction method.
Laser Liposuction works particularly well in the chin area because there is natural tightening of the skin induced by the laser after removing the fat. This is achieved through natural stimulation of collagen during the healing process.
The only disadvantage compared to traditional liposuction of the chin is that the effects are seen over time, typically over 3-6 months, rather than instantly.
Who is a good candidate for Laser Liposuction and who isn’t?
The ideal candidate preferably still has elastic and smooth skin, making fat deposits more accessible and reducing the risk of skin looking loose or droopy after the procedure.
Your areas of concern are likely resistant to diet and exercise.
Age, weight, underlying health conditions, smoking and alcohol consumption can all lead to compromised skin and increase the risk of the procedure.
Those patients who have tried and have been disappointed with other medical treatments such as chin sculpting and fat-dissolving injections are also ideal candidates for laser liposuction at our Newcastle rooms.
What is the aftercare process of Laser Liposuction?
Post procedure pain is usually mild. There may be slight discomfort in the chin area and the local anaesthetic may leave you feeling drowsy. It’s recommended to have someone that can drive you home and remain with you for the first 24 hours post procedure.
Any pain can be managed with over the counter painkillers.
What other areas can be targeted with Facial Laser Liposuction?
- Lower Eyelid Bags
- Jowl Reduction
- Chin Fat Reduction
- Double Chin Removal & Reduction
Book a consultation with Dr. Hollenbach to discover whether you are a candidate for Laser Liposuction:
Risks with Facial Laser Liposuction?
Results from our treatments and procedures vary patient to patient according to factors including genetics, age, diet and exercise. It is recommended to seek a second opinion from a Specialist Surgeon before proceeding.
Cosmetic surgery, like any medical procedure carries the risk of undesirable outcomes. More information on risks and recovery of each procedure is available on our website.