
Chin Lifting and Reduction Surgery

Chin Lifting and Double Chin Reduction Surgery


Here at Prèface Cosmetic we see many clients who are looking for rejuvenation and procedures for the chin. This includes the surrounding chin, neck and jowl area including chin reduction surgery. Dr Hollenbach has expertise in many techniques which help in rejuvenating this area of the face.


The chin area can be prone to looseness and fat deposition as a cause of collagen loss with age. The most common patient requests for procedures include double chin reduction surgery and lifting of sagging skin in the chin area.


Additional, non-invasive treatments such as Thermage, Pellevé and eTwo Sublime are also used to tighten the chin area and stimulate collagen production.

Laser Liposuction


Laser Liposuction is a minimally invasive procedure that addresses excess fat in the chin area. It works by denaturing fat, which the body then absorbs through natural means, or can be removed immediately with liposuction.

iNeedle Chin Lifting


iNeedle is a minimally invasive procedure that creates a lift structure with a single suture running from side to side under the chin and jaw. The resulting scaffold effect suspends any loose tissue and gives the lift effect.

What are less invasive and non-surgical techniques to address the chin area?


Collagen stimulants such as Thermage, eTwo Sublime and even Pellevé can be effective non-invasive techniques for lifting and tightening the skin around the jawline, jowls and chin. The effects after these treatments are not instantaneous but after a few months improvement is seen by all if compared to pre-operative photos.

Thermage Facial Treatment Newcastle NSW


The Thermage system is a non-invasive radio-frequency (RF) therapy that can help smooth, tighten and contour skin, as well as replenishing collagen deep beneath the skin.

eTwo Sublime

eTwo Sublime uses combined energies to effectively stimulate collagen production to improve your overall skin quality.


Pellevé, although sitting within the radio-frequency (RF) family, is the most superficial of all RF treatments available at Prèface Cosmetic.

Risks of Cosmetic Surgery


This web page refers to several surgical procedures of the chin area. Like all surgical procedures, Chin Lift surgery carries risks. It’s important to be aware of common risks so you are able to weigh up the benefits, risks and limitations of the surgery. Below is a list of possible complications and specific risks for Chin Lift surgery. General risks and complications of surgery can be found here. There may be complications that are not listed here and some lifestyle factors and medical conditions can cause greater risks.


Risks of Chin Lift Surgery:

  • Hematoma
  • Scarring
  • Nerve injury or paralysis
  • Hair loss around scars
  • Skin loss
  • Bruising and swelling
  • Numbness around operated sites
  • Post-operative asymmetry

About Chin Lifting at Prèface Cosmetic


Dr Hollenbach has a preferred procedure for ‘double chins’, which he has perfected over a period of time.


This technique involves a combination of either Promoitalia iNeedle or or similar Aptos threading using a trampoline effect combined with laser liposuction. This is a very effective and fairly non-invasive procedure in this part of the face.

Contact us to discuss your Chin Lifting and Chin Reduction concerns
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