
Fraxel re:pair

Fraxel re:pair

Fraxel re:pair is a revolutionary fractional C02 laser treatment for skin resurfacing. It is designed to treat wrinkles and fine lines, address significant tone, texture and pigmentation and refresh your appearance – all in a single treatment. It is an effective and more comfortable alternative to surgical procedures and is also an effective laser treatment for acne and acne scars.

Fraxel repair laser resurfacing Newcastle

Frequently asked questions about Fraxel re:pair at Prèface Cosmetic:

What are the risks associated with Fraxel re:pair?

Fraxel re:pair is a powerful ablative facial skin resurfacing treatment and requires a twilight anaesthetic. It’s important to be aware of common risks and side effects so you are able to weigh up the benefits, risks and limitations of a Fraxel re:pair procedure. There may be complications that are not listed here and some lifestyle factors and medical conditions can cause greater risks. All risks will be discussed with you in detail at your consultation with the doctor. Results vary patient to patient according to factors including genetics, age, diet and exercise.


Side effects and risks associated with Fraxel re:pair:

  • Discomfort during the procedure
  • Bleeding, oozing, crusting
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pigment changes
  • Itching
  • Acne or Milia Formation 
  • Infection
  • Scarring
  • Blisters
  • Hypopigmentation
  • Herpes Simplex Reactivation 
  • Eye Injury 
  • Inducing Skin Cancer Formation

Recovery and downtime of a Fraxel re:pair treatment.

Recovery time varies per patient and depends on the level of treatment, which will be discussed in detail at your consultation with the doctor.


Expected recovery from Fraxel re:pair:

Typical downtime is 2-4 weeks. Swelling associated with laser treatments usually disappear in 1-2 weeks. The total healing process can take up to 6 months.

How does Fraxel re:pair work?

 Fraxel re:pair uses a patented fractional carbon dioxide (CO2) laser. Through fractional technology, thousands of microscopic laser columns penetrate deep into the skin to remove old and damaged skin cells, leaving the surrounding tissue intact. Your body’s own natural healing process is stimulated, which replaces the cells with fresh, glowing, healthy skin. 

How many treatments will I need?

The Fraxel re:pair is designed to address specific skin concerns in a single treatment. Please consult Dr Hollenbach to discuss your skin concerns and whether Fraxel re:pair is suitable for you.

When will I see results?

Soon after recovery from the Fraxel re:pair procedure, the surface of your skin will feel softer, look brighter and show a more even tone. In the months following, you’ll see even more results as the deeper layers of skin continue to heal. Results can last for years depending on your lifestyle, age, skin condition and skincare regimen. 

Fraxel re:pair is designed to address the following:

Fine lines and wrinkles

General skin damage

Sun damaged skin

Skin texture and tone

Pore size

Acne scarring

Facial scarring

Excessive upper eyelid skin (dermatochalasis)

Excessive lower eyelid skin

Eyelid droop

Crows feet

How Fraxel re:pair Works:

Before & After Fraxel re:pair:

All before and after photos have not been retouched and represent patients who have had significant results. Individual results may vary based on the aggressiveness of treatment and skin condition.

To read more about Fraxel re:pair, click here.

About Laser Skin Rejuvenation at Prèface Cosmetic


Prèface is a facial cosmetic clinic that does not believe in compromise. We have a comprehensive range of highly advanced lasers for specific cosmetic purposes.


Each of the lasers at Prèface Cosmetic’s are uniquely developed for their single purpose. We do not have nor do we believe in multi platform lasers/IPL which try to do many things but fail to achieve the desired outcome.


Laser skin resurfacing can be performed in our Newcastle or Maitland clinics.


We offer Fraxel re:pair, Fraxel re:store, Clear & Brilliant, M22 IPL Photorejuvenation, Medlite ND: Yag Dual Wavelength, Gemini & Norseld Dual Yellow Lasers and laser facials.

Contact us to learn more about Fraxel re:pair
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