
Fraxel re:store

Fraxel re:store dual 1927/1550

The Fraxel re:store Dual 1550/1927 is a safe, non-ablative laser skin treatment with two treatment modes that effectively targets both the surface and the deeper skin layers. Fraxel re:store improves skin tone, texture and pigmentation, and reduces the appearance of scars.


Involved Downtime:

Fraxel re:store has two separate wavelengths. The 1927 wavelength achieves gentle resurfacing, with downtime of 3 – 4 days. 1550 wavelength is a deeper treatment, without a peel and a shorter downtime 2 – 3 days.

Age-Related Skin Changes

Fraxel Dual Youthful Skin

Understanding Collagen and Elastin Loss


Over the years, your skin is exposed to sun, air pollution, stress, fatigue and lifestyle factors such as smoking, which can affect your skin’s texture, colour and tightness.


Your skin contains two proteins, collagen and elastin, which keep your skin youthful and tight. As you age and get more sun exposure those proteins break down faster than your body can rebuild them. As a result, your skin may start to show damage like wrinkles, deep frown lines or sun spots.

What Does Fraxel re:store do?


Fraxel re:store laser uses patented technology to target ageing and sun damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate into the skin. There are two laser treatment modes. One delivers microscopic laser columns deep into the skin and the second delivers it to the superficial skin layers.


The laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, leaving the surrounding tissue intact, which promotes rapid healing.


This stimulates your body’s own natural healing process, replacing the old and damaged cells.

Fraxel Dual Collagen Newcastle

Frequently Asked Questions About Fraxel re:store dual 1927/1550:

What are the risks and side effects of a Fraxel re:store treatment?

At Prèface Cosmetic we ensure patients have met the necessary criteria for recommended treatments and procedures. It’s important to be aware of the risks associated with Laser treatments in order to make an informed decision. Results from our treatments and procedures vary patient to patient according to factors including genetics, age, diet and exercise.


Potential side effects of Fraxel re:store:

  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Itching
  • Pain
  • Acne
  • Infection
  • Changes in skin colour
  • Inducing Skin Cancer Formation


Most patients describe an increased sensation of heat during the treatment. To minimise discomfort, topical anaesthesia is applied before the procedure and cold air is used on the treatment area during the procedure.


After the treatment, most patients feel like they have a sunburn, which usually diminishes in 1 to 3 hours.

How does Fraxel re:store Dual 1550/1927 work?

Fraxel re:store laser treatment uses patented fractional technology to target damaged skin with microscopic laser columns that penetrate deep into the skin. The laser treats only a fraction of tissue at a time, leaving the surrounding tissue untouched, which promotes rapid healing. This stimulates your body’s own natural healing process, replacing the old and damaged cells.

What is the difference between the 1927 and 1550 wavelengths?

The 1927 wavelength achieves gentle skin resurfacing, addressing general skin damage and pigmentation.  The 1550 wavelength is a deeper penetrating treatment that addresses fine lines, wrinkles, scarring, skin tone and texture.


The Treatment will be tailored to your desired outcomes and can even be combined so that you receive the added benefits of both a superficial and deep laser treatment.

When do results appear?

The results of Fraxel re:store are both immediate and progressive.


Soon after the treatment, the surface of your skin will feel softer, look brighter and show more even tone. The next 3-6 months will bring more improvement as the deeper layers of the skin continue to heal.


Results can last for years depending on your age and skin condition.

How many Fraxel re:store 1550/1927 treatments will I need?

Fraxel re:store requires 3 -4 treatments using a combination of both 1927 and 1550, this is a cost effective alternative to the more aggressive Fraxel re:pair resurfacing laser.

What will I look like after the procedure?

Each patient’s skin will react differently, though generally patients report a sunburned feeling. Depending on your tailored treatment settings, you may appear pink or red for 1-3 days.


Your skin will naturally bronze over the next week or two. As you continue treatment, the sunburned-to-bronzed appearance will repeat after each treatment.


As with sunburn, your skin will flake and exfoliate normally. Use a moisturiser to reduce the appearance of dry flakes as instructed.

Before and After Fraxel re:store 1927

Fraxel re:store 1927 is designed to address the following:

General skin damage

Sun damaged skin


Face: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1927

Neck: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1927

fraxel restore 1927 for necks

Before and After Fraxel re:store 1550

Fraxel re:store 1550 is designed to address the following:

Fine lines and wrinkles

Crows feet

General skin damage

Skin texture and tone

Pore size

Acne scarring

Facial scarring


Face: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Perioral: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Crows Feet: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Cheek: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Fraxel re:store 1550 for facial scarring & acne scarring at Prèface Cosmetic Newcastle.


Fraxel re:store is the gold standard treatment for these conditions. The treatments are localised to the area of the scarring and generally only take a few minutes. Often 6 – 8 treatments are required 6 – 8 weeks apart.

Acne Scarring: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Facial Scarring: Before & After Fraxel re:store 1550

Before and After Fraxel re:store

Healing Progression of Fraxel re:store (Superficial Treatment Mode) 

Fraxel Restore One Week Post

Healing Progression of Fraxel re:store (Deep Treatment Mode) 

Fraxel Restore B & A

All before and after photos have not been retouched and represent patients who have had significant results. Individual results may vary.

Discover whether Fraxel re:store is right for you.

Prèface Cosmetic offers in-depth skin consultations to provide you with a clinical photographic analysis of your skin’s condition. Using this analysis, we will be able to provide you with a Fraxel re:store treatment plan to address your unique skin concerns, particular conditions.


If you would like further information, or to book a consultation, please call our friendly staff or fill out the form on our website.

To read more about Fraxel re:store, click here.

About Laser Skin Rejuvenation at Prèface Cosmetic


Prèface Cosmetic is a specialist laser facial surgery. We do not believe in compromise. We have a comprehensive range of highly advanced lasers for specific cosmetic purposes.


Each of the lasers at our Newcastle NSW laser skin clinic are uniquely developed for their single purpose. We do not have nor do we believe in multi platform lasers/IPL which try to do many things but fail to achieve the desired outcome.


Laser skin resurfacing can be performed in our Newcastle or Maitland clinics.


We offer Fraxel re:pair, Clear + Brilliant, IPL Photorejuvenation, Medlite ND: Yag Dual Wavelength, Gemini & Norseld Dual Yellow Lasers and laser facials.

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