06 Mar Introducing the Dèesse Pro LED Mask
Introducing a new piece of equipment to Prèface Cosmetic Newcastle & East Maitland.
We have offered facial LED light therapy through our Omnilux machine for over ten years.
The combination of Red & Blue LED lights is a staple treatment for active acne, post-surgical and laser healing, as well as general rejuvenation. The only downside has been the size of the Omnilux device itself.
We now offer a new treatment, which is far more portable and accessible.
Trending all over social media platforms and popular with the A-list celebrities is an LED light therapy mask that looks like it belongs in the horror genre. The Dèesee Pro LED mask is the collaborative effort between Shani Darden and Dèesse Pro to deliver a non-invasive, pain-free skin treatment with noticeable and lasting results.
The mask uses four different wavelengths of light paired with six different treatment modes to go beyond other LED light therapies to address specific and multiple skin conditions.
This treatment is pain-free and non-invasive as the Dèesse Pro mask does not emit UV light or any heat, instead it uses low-level light therapy (LLLT) and light emitting diodes (LED’s) to provide high quality natural treatment.

This skin treatment is best used as a preventative and restorative form of skin treatment and best results are seen with long term use.
Discover more here, or book a consultation to discuss how the Dèesse Pro LED mask can be incorporated into your Facial Cosmetic Treatment Plan.