Welcome to Disappearing Inc. Laser Tattoo Removal by Prèface Cosmetic. The only laser clinic in Maitland to offer tattoo removal, operated by a specialist surgeon.
You’ll be treated by either Dr Eugene Hollenbach (MBBS, FRANZCO, FAAFPS), a Specialist Ophthalmic Surgeon with a special interest in Facioplastic and Oculoplastic Surgery or Kylie Burgess, a highly skilled dermal therapist.
Our Pain Free Advantage
Make no mistake, laser tattoo removal is not a pain-free treatment. However, our advantage here is that the supervising doctor can administer appropriate pain management solutions to ensure a relatively painless laser tattoo removal experience.
Number of Treatments Required
Depending on the size, age, colour and depth or quantity of the ink, we are unable to perfectly predict the number of treatments required to remove your tattoo. Click here to read more frequently asked questions about laser tattoo removal.
What to Expect
The first step is to book a consultation in which Dr Hollenbach will examine your tattoo, answer any questions and estimate the number of sessions required. The laser treatment sessions are relatively short and will be a few weeks apart to allow for healing.
The Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA)’s updated guidelines for registered practitioners who advertise cosmetic surgery require visitors to our website to be 18 years old or over. Content on our website relates to surgical and non-surgical cosmetic procedures.