19 Aug ‘The Drugs Work’ – Cosmetic Industry Misconception
Cosmetic Industry Misconceptions
Below is the second installment from our blog series ” Cosmetic Industry Misconceptions”
These blog posts are delivered directly by Dr. H. and are aimed at informing current and future Preface Cosmetic patients on the current industry misconceptions and the Preface Cosmetic difference.
This week we are looking at the misconception that:
The Drugs Work:
In the Cosmetic industry, we are all peppered with claims in the media about efficacy about various lotions and potions, pills and tablets, creams and dreams claiming to make you look twenty years younger.
Even the most invasive surgical facial procedures performed at Preface Cosmetic will never make you look 20 years younger.
Furthermore the Cosmetic industry makes all sorts of claims regarding their products. We know that the percentage of active ingredients in off-the-shelf cosmetics are so low that they are barely active. This is because the Cosmetic companies can not afford to have their customers have adverse or allergic reactions to their products.
However, the cosmeceuticals used at Preface Cosmetic, are DOCTOR ONLY. This is because in rare instances they can cause reactions due to the potency of the active ingredients. The doctors at Preface Cosmetic are there to help and advise you and can prescribe treatments to counteract any problems, if encountered.
We cannot make you look 20 years younger, but we would love to go through some options with you in regards to our doctor only Cosmeceuticals.